Good Mood Food: Foods that Help Address Anxiety and Depression
Many people will unfortunately either be diagnosed with anxiety at some point in their life or have had increased periods of anxious moments. Increasingly we are learning that there is a link between our mood and what nutrients we consumed. How great would it be, if we can simply increase certain food groups that we have deficiencies in and help give our mood a boost?
That would change our outlook on life as well as our relationships. Below are a few foods that contain key nutrients that may have a role in helping mitigate anxiety and depression. Some of the foods below are also anti-inflammatory which is an added benefit.
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Foods that can boost your Mood and Wellness:
Fermented Foods
There have been quite a few interesting studies that have shown that those who have an adequate amount of good gut microorganisms typically experience fewer episodes of anxiety. It is believed that probiotics or in this case fermented foods decrease the inflammation within the gut and increase our levels of GABA – a neurotransmitter that is often linked to sensations of relaxation (anxiolytic effect).
An example of great fermented food that can serve as a probiotic is kimchi. Kimchi has the same lactobacilli bacteria that is found in yogurt. For those who haven’t experienced kimchi, it is Korean fermented vegetables such as cabbage (with garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes) and it is delicious. I love it with Korean BBQ or a Korean dish called bibimbap.
Almonds contain a rich supply of magnesium and low levels of magnesium have been attributed to subjective anxiety, fatigue, and muscle aches. It is believed that there may be a role of magnesium in combating stress and anxiety. More than half the number of Americans are believed to consume the dietary recommendation of daily magnesium and up to 15% of Americans have a lifetime experience of being diagnosed with anxiety. We know that magnesium has a role in our psychoneuroendocrine system – basically the hormonal pathway that affects our mood. You should aim to consume at least 300 – 400 mg of magnesium a day.
One ounce of almonds has about 80 mg of magnesium, so 20% of your daily allowance. If you’re not a fan of almonds, then an alternative is cashews or Brazilian nuts.
Berries such as bilberry, blueberry, cranberry, raspberry, and strawberry are loaded with polyphenols. My favorite polyphenol is flavonoids, like anthocyanins, which are perfect for times of stress. One recent study found over a 75% improvement in reported anxiety in those who took polyphenol supplements compared to people who were in a placebo group. As you all know, I am a big fan of berries because of also their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits.
Lean Red Meats
Examples of lean red meats are bison, elk, and venison. There are a few studies that have shown a linkage between vitamin B deficiencies with poor mood, particularly anxiety and depression. For example, folic acid (vitamin B9) supports our adrenal gland which is crucial in maintaining cortisol (think stress hormone) balances. To ensure you have adequate vitamin B intake, an option is choosing leaner red meats which aren’t as concerning as the more cholesterol-heavy marble steaks we sometimes may love to eat.
If you are a vegan or vegetarian, then I would certainly recommend taking a vitamin B complex supplement, particularly one containing adequate amounts of thiamine, folic acid, and B12.
Leafy Greens
Kale, spinach, swiss chard, and arugula are great high nutrient leafy greens that are packed with magnesium and folate. As mentioned earlier, low magnesium and vitamin B deficiencies have been linked to increased prevalence of anxiety and depression. Having adequate leafy green intake can not only help in that regard but are a great source of calcium and fiber.
One of the best ways that you can incorporate leafy greens into your everyday diet is by starting the morning with a refreshing green smoothie. Not only have they been shown to boost your mood and overall wellness but also decrease inflammation.
Below is an amazing video of 5 recipes of healthy leafy green smoothies worth a try. Check it out!
Interested in learning more about foods that can help improve insomnia?
Check out our post about select foods to try if you are having trouble sleeping by clicking the link!
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More Articles on Anti-Inflammatory Foods and Wellness
Further Readings and References:
Explore more articles on Nutrition and our Top Wellness Tips by clicking the links!
The Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Subjective Anxiety and Stress—A Systematic Review
It’s not all in your head — it’s in your gut, too
Food and mood: how do diet and nutrition affect mental wellbeing?