Health Benefits of Olive Oil and Lemon Juice


Olive oil helps regulate blood sugar levels, reduces the risk of heart disease, aids in weight loss, and improves digestion. There are so many anti-inflammatories and antioxidants found in virgin olive oil, and this is one of the reasons consuming olive oil is significant when trying to improve your wellness. 

But are there additional benefits you can gain by adding lemon juice to olive oil?

Certainly, it may improve the flavor, but the combination of olive oil and lemon juice has been shown to improve skin clarity, decrease inflammation, provide an excellent source for an energy boost, and be a perfect detox option.

Anti-inflammatory, Detox & Antioxidant Benefits

Extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice have several health benefits, namely being an excellent source of anti-inflammatories and a high concentration of antioxidants. The combination contains polyphenols which are a big powerhouse compound that tackles oxidant stressors within the body. There are a lot of high-caliber studies that have shown that consumption of foods rich in polyphenols is linked to protection against many common diseases and chronic conditions, especially autoimmune and inflammatory-prone diseases. 

It is believed that polyphenols are like “scavenger hunters”, blocking or combating free radicals that form during periods of stress within our bodies. Biological stress can be caused by illness, cancer, environmental toxins, poor mental health, hormone imbalances, and consumption of a poor diet. We face most biological stressors during the day as opposed to at night when our body makes an active attempt to rejuvenate. Choosing to drink a combination of olive oil and lemon juice during the morning may be more beneficial in helping to combat the daily biological stressors, thereby priming your body.

Olive oil and lemon juice have been found to have an effect on measured inflammatory biomarkers. Three common signs of inflammation within the body can be measured by sampling inflammatory-related biomarkers such as C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a). Many types of physicians, such as cardiologists, rheumatologists, internists, intensivists, and oncologists, look at these inflammatory biomarkers to detect patients who may be at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, determination of the severity of inflammatory conditions like psoriatic arthritis and inflammatory arthritis conditions, and those at risk for progression to severe infections.

Olive oil and lemon juice have been studied and found to reduce the levels of these inflammatory markers, especially interleukin-6 (IL-6). Our body certainly needs IL-6, but in excessive environments, it can stimulate many autoimmune and pro-inflammatory diseases. There are a few clinical trials looking at medications that can directly target IL-6 as a possible therapy but much more research needs to be done. Particularly if these therapies would even be best as preventive supplements. More of the anti-inflammatory health benefits of how olive oil and lemon juice combinations need to be explored but it is a promising area of research.

Energy Booster

By drinking a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice in the morning, you can also give your body an energy boost, and this can serve as an alternative to coffee or energy drinks. The combination contains vitamin K. Vitamin K helps facilitate energy production in mitochondria, which are a part of our cells thought of as the “cell’s powerhouse” by producing the energy needed for our cells to function optimally.   

combination of olive oil and lemon juice has been shown to improve skin clarity, decrease inflammation, provide an excellent source for an energy boost, and be a perfect detox option

Digestive Aid & Weight Loss

Olive oil and lemon juice contains vitamin C which is a crucial vitamin needed to make a compound called carnitine. Carnitine helps our body transport fatty molecules into our cells where they are metabolized and used as energy sources. People with inadequate vitamin C intake have been shown to be more prone for obesity. Even during physical exercise, those with inadequate vitamin C levels have been shown to burn less fat compared to those with adequate vitamin C levels. For this benefit, it is best to add fresh lemon juice to olive oil so that the quality of vitamin C is best.


Particularly when drinking olive oil and lemon juice in the morning it can aid in digestion. It is most recommended for this to be done on an empty stomach just before breakfast as it helps the body break down food and aid in absorption of nutrients like vitamins and minerals more effectively. The healthy fats, like oleic acid, found in extra virgin olive oil help promote satiety (feeling fuller faster) and reduces cravings.

Skin & Beauty

The combination of olive oil and lemon juice has been shown to help improve the skin’s barrier and improve the moisture of the skin and hair. The combination is rich in antioxidants but most importantly it contains an excellent blend of oleic acid and squalene. Squalene helps improve the skin barrier and in naturally found in our skin cells. It is a lipid that helps as a natural moisturizer for our skin cells; however, our level of squalene decreases with age. This is one of the many reasons that creases and wrinkles form. With the bonus of vitamin C, olive oil and lemon juice, helps the skin fight off free radical damage caused by UV exposure.

combination of olive oil and lemon juice has been shown to improve skin clarity, decrease inflammation, provide an excellent source for an energy boost, and be a perfect detox option

Interested in learning more about the health benefits of olive oil and lemon juice? Well check out this short video by Dr. Mandell discussing exactly that below!

Some Caution

There is some caution that is likely to be had with consuming too much olive oil and lemon juice. For those who have reflux (heartburn), the acidic components of lemon juice may exacerbate a person’s reflux. As always, consult with your healthcare professional to see if the consumption of both can help you.

Interested in learning how to reduce inflammation even further?

Check out our blog about Ginger and Turmeric shots that discusses the potent anti-inflammatory compounds found in these shots!

combination of olive oil and lemon juice has been shown to improve skin clarity, decrease inflammation, provide an excellent source for an energy boost, and be a perfect detox option

Get my top anti-inflammatory food list pdf that you can download for free!


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