The Health Benefits of Anti-inflammatory Juices


Inflammation unfortunately is a major culprit in many chronic medical conditions. It is your body’s response oftentimes to foreign toxins found in foods or the environment, or because of some autoimmune conditions. The healthiest way to combat inflammation is an anti-inflammatory diet and regular exercise.

Click here for my top anti-inflammatory food list pdf that you can download for free.

A great way to combat inflammation is consuming regularly anti-inflammatory juices. These have been found to help decrease inflammation related to arthritis, chronic back pain, obesity, and heart disease. Additionally, anti-inflammatory juices are a great boost to your immune system and overall wellness. 

Below are some great juicing recipes for combating inflammation. Many of these recipes contain excellent anti-inflammatory ingredients that are packed with vitamins, such as green apples, black pepper, carrots, pineapple, ginger, turmeric, lemon, and celery. Each should take less than 5 minutes to prepare and serving sizes are 1. 

Wash all ingredients prior to use. Trim stems, peel any necessary skins and cut fruits & vegetables into 1” pieces. If you do not have a juicer, these are still perfectly fine for a blender with proper settings.

Anti-inflammatory Juice Recipes

Immune System Boost – Green Juice

2 Green Apples

2 Oranges

1” Ginger piece

1 Lemon

2 cups of spinach or kale

Heart Disease – Apple Celery Juice Reset

1 Green Apple

3 Celery stalks without leaves

½ cup frozen pineapple pieces

Serve over ice 

Joint Pain + Arthritis + Back Pain – Turmeric Carrot Juice

3 Carrots

1 Green Apple

1” Ginger piece

½ teaspoon ground turmeric 

¼ cup water

Pinch of black pepper

Bloating & Weight Gain – Blackberry Banana Juice

¾ cup Almond or Soy milk

½ cup Blackberries

1 cup Spinach or Kale 

¼ cup Frozen Pineapples 

1 ripe banana

Interested in learning more about some great anti-inflammatory nutrients?

Check out the Top 5 Anti-inflammatory Foods commonly available in spring!

Krave Wellness provides premium content with a focus on nutrition and wellness. Featuring luxury and adventurous vacation properties offering exceptional or unique services related to wellness. Featuring wellness resorts, health hotels and luxury ret

Get my top anti-inflammatory food list pdf that you can download for free!


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